The Ancient and Masonic Order
of the Scarlet Cord
News from the Order
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An early morning trip to the Chatham District Masonic Hall in Manor Road Chatham and the first meeting at 8:15am was Kent Consistory Scarlet Cord for no less than 7 companions taking the preparation ceremony. There followed a delightful full english breakfast of a standard unrivalled in Kent masonry, our thanks to Ian and the team for a splendid repast.

The Kent Consistory received a full Provincial Team visit as R.Dist.Comp. Phil Clare carried out the Ceremony of Preparation for 9 candidates. Additionally a joining member was received, details of a candidate for the next meeting were read out and over 40 Companions tucked into breakfast.

Following the record number of candidates received last year, the unit, (like the Province), goes from strength to strength.

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