The Ancient and Masonic Order
of the Scarlet Cord
News from the Order
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It was a lovely sunny day for the Annual Provincial Grand Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Kent at Chatham Masonic Hall.

All visitors were welcomed by a free bacon and sausage bap and coffee.

It was a most enjoyable fourth meeting for R.Dist. Comp. Phil Clare as the Provincial Grand Summus for Kent and he oversaw the proceedings with great confidence.

He welcomed all the guests from around the country most warmly, especially R.Dist. Comp. Ray Clare who was attending his penultimate meeting as the Provincial Grand Summus for Essex and Phil Clare wished him a very Happy Retirement and thanked him for attending most of the Provincial Grand Meetings since he had become the Provincial Grand Summus for Essex. He will miss jokingly referring to him as his father which for many years a lot of the Companions really thought was the case.

He invested his Deputy Provincial Grand Summus Dist. Comp. James Trevillion and his Assistant Provincial Grand Summus Dist. Comp. Kevin Bampton and apart from investing as well 21 officers, the Province of Kent for the very fist time had its very own Tzaddikim  which the Provincial grand Summus received with great enthusiasm, inspected and invested them with their brand new collarettes.

An excellent meeting followed by an excellent festive board which is undoubtedly one of the best in Kent with the Companions enjoying a fine Tomato and Mozzarella starter followed by a Steak and Lobster main course and Eton Mess for dessert.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Summus in his speech to R.Dist. Comp. Phil Clare spoke about his excellent long distance cycling achievements in raising many thousands of pounds for worthwhile causes that Phil supports.

Everybody left the meeting in good spirits and all stated how much they were looking forward to the next Annual meeting in 2024
was a Conclave full of Friends, and I came away feeling like one of them.

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